Job oriented courses

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India is the only recognised statutory professional organisation and licensing body in India specialising exclusively in Cost and Management Accountancy. A Cost Accountant is a person who offers to perform or perform services involving the costing or pricing of goods and services or the preparation, verification or certification of cost accounting and related statements.

The head office is situated at 12, Sudder Street, Kolkata 700 016 and operates through four regional councils are Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai as well as through a number of important chapters situated elsewhere in India and abroad.

Exposure of training in Accountancy

Recognized Oral Coaching Centre for Certificate in Accounting Technician (CAT) of The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India vide letter no. ICWAI/CAT/N-198 dated 28 June 2010.

CMA Support Centre of The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India vide letter no. CMA/CER/12 dated 20 DEC 2012.

Authorized Tally Centre – Agreement with the company training on original Tally ERP 9 with GST

Authorization Certificates are available.